Caracas, Venezuela. November  26 to 28, 2007 . Simón Bolívar Conference Room. Av. Francisco de Miranda, Torre Europa, 5th Floor. Campo Alegre.


Work Documents: 

DT 1 Provisional Agenda.
DT 2 Annotated provisional agenda and organization of works.
DT 3 Thirty-First Annual Report of the Permanent Secretariat.
DT 4 Draft Work Programme for the year 2008.
DT 5 Draft Administrative Budget of the Permanent Secretariat for the year 2008.(*)
DT 6 Election of Members of the Administrative Tribunal of SELA.(*)
DT 7 Audit Report on the Financial Statements of the Permanent Secretariat at 31 December 2006.(*)
DT 8 Audit Proposal for the Year 2007.(*)
DT 9 Election of the Permanent Secretary.

(*) Restricted access


Informative Documents:

Di 1 Final Report of the Regional Seminar on economic relations between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean
Di 2 Final Report of the Regional on the Institutional Architecture for Integration in Latin America and the Caribbean
Di 3 Final Report of the Regional Meeting on the Social Dimension of Integration in Latin America and the Caribbean
Di 4 Final Report of the Regional Seminar on Knowledge Management, ICTs and Innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean
Di 5 Evolution of regional integration, 2006-2007
Di 6 Report on the SELA-IBERPYME Programme 2007
Di 7 Final Report of the XVIII Meeting of International Cooperation Directors for Latin America and the Caribbean
Di 8 Final Report on the Updating Workshop for National Focal Points of Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa and Asia
Di 9 Final Report on the Meeting of Experts on the interaction between trade policies and negotiations of trade agreements, and regional integration in Latin America and the Caribbean