Caracas, Venezuela. November  25 to 27, 2008 . Simón Bolívar Conference Room. Av. Francisco de Miranda, Torre Europa, 5th Floor. Campo Alegre.



Tuesday, 25 November 2008 Morning

08:30 Registration

09:00 – 09:45 Meeting of the Heads of Delegations (Item I)

10:00 – 13:00 Inauguration of the Preparatory Stage

Speech by Ambassador José Rivera Banuet, Permanent Secretary of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA)

Speech by the Chairman of the Latin American Council, His Excellency Gerónimo Cardozo, Ambassador of the Republic of Uruguay in Venezuela

Item I: Approval of the agenda for the Preparatory Stage Item III: Annual Report of the Permanent Secretariat Item IV: Work Programme for the year 2009


15:00 – 17:00 Continuation: Work Programme for the year 2009 Item V: Budget of the Permanent Secretariat for the year 2009

  • Proposal for regularization of the Member States’ debt with the Permanent Secretariat.
  • Proposal by the delegation of Bolivia for writing off the country’s debt with SELA.
  • Audit Report on the Financial Statements of the Permanent Secretariat at 31 December 2007.
  • Audit Proposal for the year 2008.

Item VI: Institutional Matters

  • Election of Members of the Administrative Tribunal of SELA.
  • Regulations for the election of the Permanent Secretary

Item VII: Other Matters


Wednesday, 26 November 2008 Morning

09:00-13:00 Consideration of the Report on the Preparatory Stage




15:00 Item II Forum: “SMEs: A strategic vision of social and economic development. Lessons learned in 10 years of the SELA-IBERPYME Programme”


Remarks by Representatives of the Member States of SELA Presentation of the book “SMEs: A strategic vision of social and economic development. Lessons learned in 10 years of the SELA-IBERPYME Programme”.

17:30 Inauguration of the Ministerial Stage.

19:00 Cocktail offered by the Permanent Secretariat of SELA.


Thursday, 27 November 2008

10:00 Ministerial Plenary Session

  • Presentation on the experiences in regional cooperation gained within the framework of SELA, in charge of the Executive Directors of OLDEPESCA and RITLA
  • Presentation of the Report on the Preparatory Stage.


15:00 Plenary Session

Speech by Ambassador Eréndira Paz Campos, General Director of Regional and MultilateralEconomic Organizations of the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs of Mexico and Head of Delegation.

Consideration of the Decisions of the XXXIV Regular Meeting of the Latin American Council.

Approval of the Final Report.

Closing session