Caracas, Venezuela. November  25 to 27, 2008 . Simón Bolívar Conference Room. Av. Francisco de Miranda, Torre Europa, 5th Floor. Campo Alegre.


Work Documents:

DT 1 Provisional Agenda SP/CL/XXXIV.O/DT N° 1-08/Rev. 1
DT 2 Annotated Provisional Agenda and Organization of Work SP/CL/XXXIV.O/DT N° 2-08/Rev.2
DT 3 Thirty-Second Annual Report of the Permanent Secretariat SP/CL/XXXIV.O/DT N° 3-08
DT 4 Draft Work Programme for 2009 SP/CL/XXXIV.O/DT N° 4-08 (Versión sin presupuesto para la Web)
DT 4/Add. 1 Proposed activities of the SELA-IBERPYME Programme for the year 2009 SP/CL/XXXIV.O/DT N° 4-08/Addendum N° 1
DT 5 Draft Administrative Budget of the Permanent Secretariat for 2009 SP/CL/XXXIV.O/DT N° 5-08 (*)
DT 6 Proposal for regularization of the Member States’ debt with the Permanent Secretariat. Revision 1 SP/CL/XXXIV.O/DT N° 6-08 (*)
DT 7 Audit Report on the Financial Statements of the Permanent Secretariat at 31 December 2007 SP/CL/XXXIV.O/DT N° 7-08 (*)
DT 8 Audit Proposal for the year 2008 SP/CL/XXXIV.O/DT N° 8-08 (*)
DT 9 Election of Member of the Administrative Tribunal of SELA SP/CL/XXXIV.O/DT N° 9-08 (*)
DT 10 Draft Regulations for Elections of SELA for consideration of the Latin American Council. Revision 1 SP/CL/XXXIV.O/DT N° 10-08
DT 11 Proposal for a Regional Programme on the Social Dimension of Integration in Latin America and the Caribbean SP/CL/XXXIV.O/DT N° 11-08/Rev.1
DT 12 Proposal for a Regional Cooperation Programme on Food Security in Latin America and the Caribbean SP/CL/XXXIV.O/DT N° 12-08

(*) Restricted access


Informative Documents:

Di 1 Final Report on the Regional Meeting: “Latin America and the Caribbean - European Union Relations and the V Bi-regional Summit of Lima”
SP/CL/XXXIV.O/Di N° 1-08
Di 2 Final Report on the Regional Dialogue of Latin America and the Caribbean vis-à-vis the XII UNCTAD Ministerial Conference
SP/CL/XXXIV.O/Di N° 2-08
Di 3 Final Report on the High-Level Regional Meeting on Food Security in Latin America and the Caribbean
SP/CL/XXXIV.O/Di N° 3-08
Di 4 Final Report on the Regional Dialogue on Financing for Development and Foreign Debt ahead of the UN High-Level Meeting to review the Implementation of the Monterrey Consensus. Doha 2008
SP/CL/XXXIV.O/Di N° 4-08
Di 5 Final Report on the Regional Seminar for Consultation on the Social Dimension of integration in Latin America and the Caribbean
SP/CL/XXXIV.O/Di N° 5-08
Di 6 Final Report on the II Regional Meeting on the Social Dimension of integration in Latin America and the Caribbean
SP/CL/XXXIV.O/Di N° 6-08
Di 7 Final Report on the Regional Meeting on the challenges of coordination and convergence and the treatment of asymmetries in Latin American and Caribbean integration
SP/CL/XXXIV.O/Di N° 7-08
Di 8 Final Report on the Regional Seminar “Networks and Digital Integration: Digital contents, applications and use of ICTs in Latin America and the Caribbean”.
SP/CL/XXXIV.O/Di N° 8-08
Di 9 Report on the establishment of the Technical Committee on Digital Integration in Latin America and the Caribbean
SP/CL/XXXIV.O/Di N° 9-08 (**)
Di 10 Final Report of the Regional Meeting on the challenges of the adverse international economic situation for Latin America and the Caribbean.
SP/CL/XXXIV.O/Di N° 10-08
Di 11 Follow-up report on the application of the Helms Burton Law during the years 2007-2008
SP/CL/XXXIV.O/Di N° 11-08
Di 12 Evolution of regional integration 2007-2008
SP/CL/XXXIV.O/Di N° 12-08
Di 13 Report on the SELA-IBERPYME Programme 2008
SP/CL/XXXIV.O/Di N° 13-08
Di 14 Report on “SELA’s instruments for cooperation, coordination and consultation in disaster risk reduction”
SP/CL/XXXIV.O/Di N° 14-08
Di 15 Final Report on the Workshop “Investment Targeting for Economic and Social Development in Latin America and the Caribbean”
SP/CL/XXXIV.O/Di N° 15-08
Di 16 Proposal by the delegation of Bolivia for writing off the country’s debt with SELA. Working Paper N° 1
SP/CL/XXXIV.O/Di N° 16-08
Di 17 Public Policies for Poverty Reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean
Database of Public Policies for Poverty Reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean

(**) Document Di 9 will not be circulated since the Meeting on the establishment of the Technical Committee on Digital Integration has been postponed