Caracas, Venezuela. October  27 to 29, 2009 . Headquarters of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) Simón Bolívar Conference Room. Av. Francisco de Miranda, Torre Europa, 5th Floor. Campo Alegre.


27 to 29 October 2009

Venue: Headquarters of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) Simón Bolívar Conference Room. Av. Francisco de Miranda, Torre Europa, 5th Floor. Campo Alegre. Caracas, Venezuela


Working Documents:


DT 1/Rev. 1 Provisional Agenda
DT 2/Rev. 2 Annotated provisional agenda and organization of works
DT 3 Thirty-Third Annual Report of the Permanent Secretariat
DT 4 Draft Work Programme for the year 2010 (*) (Version without figures of budget)
DT 5 Draft Administrative Budget of the Permanent Secretariat for the year 2010 (*)
DT 6 Audit Report on the Financial Statements of the Permanent Secretariat at 31 December 2008 (*)
DT 7 Audit Proposal for the year 2009 (*)
DT 8 Election of a Member of the Administrative Tribunal of SELA (*)
DT 9 Draft Project of Activities of the SELA-IBERPYME Programme for the year 2010

(*) Restricted access

Informative Documents:


Di 1 Final Report on the Regional Meeting to evaluate the results of the V LAC-EU Summit
Di 2 Final Report on the Regional Meeting to analyze the results of the UN High-Level Conference on Financing for Development
Di 3 Final Report on the Regional Seminar on the Economic Relations between the United States and Latin America and the Caribbean within the context of global crisis
Di 4 Final Report on the Regional Seminar on Trade and Competition: Prospects and Future Challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean
Di 5 Final Report on the Regional Meeting on the Treatment of Asymmetries in the Integration Processes in Latin America and the Caribbean
Di 6 Final Report on the Regional Meeting on Protection of Traditional Knowledge, Folklore Expressions and Genetic Resources in Latin America and the Caribbean
Di 7 Final Report on the Regional Meeting “Emigration of Skilled Human Resources from Latin American and Caribbean Countries”
Di 8 Final Report on the Regional Meeting to analyze economic relations between Latin America and the Caribbean and the People’s Republic of China
Di 9 Final Report on the Regional Meeting to analyze economic relations between Latin America and the Caribbean and the Republic of India
Di 10 Final Report on the Regional Meeting to analyze economic relations between Latin America and the Caribbean and the Russian Federation
DI 11 Final Report on the Seminar on Response Mechanisms to Natural Disasters: Experiences in the Andean region and the Southern Cone
Di 12 Final Report on the Meeting for Consultation and Coordination on Food Prices and Food Security in Latin America and the Caribbean
Di 13 Final Report on the XX Meeting of International Cooperation Directors for Latin America and the Caribbean
Di 14 Final Report on the Consultation on Financial Crisis and Trade: Towards an Integrated Response in Latin America and the Caribbean
Di 15 Final Report on the Seminar on Response to Disasters: Experiences of Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean
Di 16 Final Report on the Seminar on e-Health and Telemedicine: Connection and access for social well-being in Latin America and the Caribbean
Di 17 Follow-up Report on the application of the Helms Burton Law during the year 2009
Di 18 Report on the Regional Integration Process, 2008-2009
Di 19 Report on the SELA-IBERPYME Programme 2009
Di 20 Report on the Regularization of the Member States’ debt with SELA. (Decision No. 501) (*)
Di 21 Joint Regional Programme UNDP-UNCTAD-SELA for Trade, Investment and Development Issues in Latin America and the Caribbean (2010-2012)
Di 22 Project “Integration and Convergence for Health in Latin America and the Caribbean (INCOSALC)”
Di 23 Development of the software industry in Latin America and the Caribbean: Considerations and proposals
Di 24 Policies and instruments to deal with the impact of the international economic crisis on Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Latin America and the Caribbean
Di 25 Scenario for Digitalization of Foreign Trade Procedures in Latin America and the Caribbean. Proposal for Actions at the regional level

(*) Restricted access