Caracas, Venezuela. October  21 to 26, 2010


The objectives of the Meeting of Regional and Subregional Integration Mechanisms in Latin America and the Caribbean, within the framework of the CALC, are based on the commitments contained in the Declarations of Salvador de Bahia and Cancun, as well as the Montego Bay Action Plan and the Caracas Work Programme:

  1. To intensify the dialogue, coordination, interaction, consensus, synergy and convergence of actions among the regional and subregional integration mechanisms in Latin America and the Caribbean in order to deepen integration and speed up regional development through the coordination of common and complementary projects.
  2. To initiate the dialogue and cooperation among the Secretariats and Pro Tempore Presidencies of regional and subregional integration mechanisms as regards four major areas: (i) economic and trade, (ii) production, (iii) social and institutional, and (iv) cultural, sharing information about each one of these areas.
  3. To improve mutual understanding and identify possible synergies and opportunities for joint initiatives, and to assess the possibility of starting a process of convergence in priority areas.
  4. To encourage the holding of meetings and frequent interaction among the secretariats so as to facilitate dialogue and mutual cooperation.
  5. To establish priority areas for collaboration among regional and subregional integration mechanisms and to commission a study on their possibilities for complementation.