Bogatá, Colombia. July  03 to 05, 2011


4 July 2011


  Session I
9:00-10:00 Opening Ceremony
  • José Rivera, Permanent Secretary of SELA
  • GRULAC Representative
  • UNCTAD Secretary-General
  • Superintendent of Industry and Trade
10:00-10:15 Coffee break-Networking
10:15-12:30 Official creation of SELA’s Working Group on Trade and Competition
  • Presentation (Objectives, Project on Regulations, Elements for the Work Programme): UNCTAD and SELA
  • Panelists (each speaker will have a time-limit of 10 minutes)
  • Debate
  • Creation of the Working Group
12:30-14:30 Lunch
14:30-16:00 Competition policy issues of interest for the region’s trade negotiators


Comparative analysis of national and subregional standards on competition


  • Introduction: UNCTAD and SELA
  • Panelists (each speaker will have a time-limit of 10 minutes)
  • Debate
16:00-16:30 Coffee break-Networking
16:30-18:00 Comparative review of the efficiency of competition agencies in LAC
  • Introduction: UNCTAD and SELA
  • Panelists (each speaker will have a time-limit of 10 minutes)
  • Debate

5 July 2011


  Session II
9:30-10:30 Role of government policies and their links with competition policies.
  • Introduction: UNCTAD and SELA
  • Panelists (each speaker will have a time-limit of 10 minutes)
  • Debate
10:30-11:00 Coffee break-Networking
11:00-12:30 Regional cooperation. Specific cases in the area of trade and competition
  • Introduction: UNCTAD and SELA
  • Panelists (each speaker will have a time-limit of 10 minutes)
  • Debate
12:30-14:30 Lunch
  Session III
14:30-16:30 Needs and possibilities for technical assistance and cooperation, at the bilateral, subregional and multilateral levels.
  • Introduction: UNCTAD and SELA
  • Panelists (each speaker will have a time-limit of 10 minutes)
  • Debate
16:30- 17:00 Coffee break-Networking
17:00-18:00 Debate on the “Conclusions and Recommendations of the Regional Seminar on Trade and Competition: Prospects and Future Challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean”
18:00 Closing Session