Turín, Italia. July  04 to 08, 2011


The training process is based on a participative approach oriented towards action. Real case studies, proved training tools and practical exercises will help participants to reach the necessary operational capacity for coordinating SME consortiums. The course follows an online/on-site format.


Phase Dates / Venue Contents
On-site 04-08 July 2011
International Training Centre - ILO
Turin (Italy)


SMEs consortiums:
Concepts, methodologies, exercises in groups.
Online 18 July 2011 –
14 November 2011
On-line (60 hours)
Implementation of a consortium: Preparation of a project for future establishment and development of a consortium for SMEs.


On-site phase The following topics will be discussed in class:


  • General overview of the types of SME consortiums
  • Services offered by the consortiums
  • Process for the consortia constitution
  • Organizational structure and legal base for consortia
  • Collective brands and denominations of origin
  • Collective preparation of standards
  • Financing of consortiums
  • Assessing the impact of consortiums
  • Role of supporting institutions in promotion
  • Legal frameworks and incentives for consortiums

During class, participants will have the opportunity to work with various consortium managers. Moreover, the course includes a study visit to an SME consortium.


Online phase


This phase will be carried out online from the UNIDO Training Campus online Participants can set their own working schedules and time frames in a flexible manner.


During the online phase, participants, with the assistance of a tutor, will arrange for the future establishment and implementation of a consortium for SMEs. The development of a “preliminary draft project for establishing a consortium” requires approximately 60 hours of work.


Those participants who also complete the online training phase will be certified by UNIDO as Coordinators of SME Consortiums. They could also become members of the “Latin American Network of Consortium Promoters”, on behalf of their respective public or private institutions.