Caracas, Venezuela. October  19 to 21, 2011


Working Documents:

DT 1 Provisional Agenda
DT 2 Annotated provisional agenda and organization of works
DT 3 Thirty-Fifth Annual Report of the Permanent Secretariat.
DT 4 Draft Work Programme for the year 2012
DT 5 Draft Administrative Budget of the Permanent Secretariat for the year 2012
DT 6 Audit Report on the Financial Statements of the Permanent Secretariat at 31 December 2010
DT 7 Audit Proposal for the year 2011
DT 8 Election of a Member of the Administrative Tribunal of SELA


Informative Documents:

Di 1 Final Report on the Regional Seminar on Public Investment and Financial Mechanisms, Insurance and Reinsurance against Disasters in Latin America and the Caribbean: Recent Experiences.
Di 2 Final Report of the Meeting on the Institutional Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia and Africa.
Di 3 Final Report of the First Workshop: International Trade Single Windows. Considerations and proposals for regional action under the Latin American Pacific Rim Forum.
Di 4 Final Report on the II Latin American and Caribbean Regional Meeting on International Trade Single Windows: Advances and pending challenges.
Di 5 Final Report on the Regional Seminar: “Economic Relations between the United States and the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean in the first two years of the Obama Administration. Assessment and Prospects”.
Di 6 Final Report on the Regional Meeting: “The VI Bi-regional Summit of Madrid, the recessive dynamics in some European countries and prospects for the economic relations between LAC and the EU”.
Di 7 Asymmetries in Latin American and Caribbean integration processes.
Di 8 Relations of Latin America and the Caribbean with Africa: Current status and areas of opportunity.
Di 9 Promotion of cultural and creative industries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Di 10 Coordination and convergence of cultural integration in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Di 11 Physical Infrastructure for Integration in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Di 12 Border Integration in the Context of Convergence in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Di 13 Report on the Regional Integration Process, 2010-2011.
Di 14 Follow-up Report on the application of the Helms Burton Law, 2010-2011.
Di 15 Report on the IBERPYME Programme 2011.
Di 16 Final Report of the Regional Workshop on funds and instruments for financing South-South Cooperation projects in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Di 17 International Trade Single Windows in Latin America and the Caribbean: Advances and pending challenges.
Di 18 Institutional architecture of integration in Latin America and the Caribbean: New challenges and prospects.
Di 19 Agricultural cooperation for food and nutritional security in Latin America and the Caribbean: Critical assessment and proposals for action with a regional scope.
Di 20 Guidelines for cooperation between governments and the private sector for disaster risk reduction: Approaches, achievements and challenges.
Di 21 Migration of skilled human resources and remittances in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Di 22 Final Report on the XXII Meeting of International Cooperation Directors for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Di 23 Final Report of the meeting of the Working Group on Trade and Competition of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Di 24 Final Report of the Seminar-Workshop on experiences in developing agricultural cooperatives and agri-food mini industries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Di 25 Prospects for economic growth in the period 2025-2050 and long-term development challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Di 26 The multilateral trade system: Can the bicycle be stopped? Trade challenges for development in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Di 27 Recent developments in economic relations between the Russian Federation and Latin America and the Caribbean. Institutional and cooperation mechanisms for strengthening relations.
Di 28 Final Report on the II Regional Seminar on e-Health and Telemedicine in Latin America and the Caribbean: Innovation practices and standards.
Di 29 General Report of the IBERPYME Programme, 1999-2011.
Di 30 Final Report on the Forum “Emerging Trends: Telecommunications, Internet and social networks”.
Di 31 Reform of the international financial and monetary architecture and the progress towards a new regional financial architecture for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Di 32 Report on the compliance with Decision N° 513 of the XXXVI Regular Meeting of the Latin American Council.



  • SELA Antenna in the United States
  • Bulletin on Integration in Latin America and the Caribbean
  • “Avances” Electronic Bulletin
  • SELA-IBERPYME Bulletin