Caracas, Venezuela. March  30,  2012



8:30 am. – 9: 00 am Registration


9:00 am. – 9: 30 am Opening session
PRESENTATIONS Presiding: His Excellency Jorge Alvarado Rivas, Ambassador of the Plurinational Republic of Bolivia and Chairman of the Latin American Council


9:30 am. – 10:00 am. Presentation of the document prepared by the Permanent Secretariat "Canada: International Development Cooperation policies and programmes. Opportunities for Latin America and the Caribbean "
  • Permanent Secretariat
10:00 am. – 10:50 am. Canada’s perspective on its economic and cooperation relations with Latin America and the Caribbean
10:50 am. – 11:15 am. Questions and Answers


11:15 am. – 11:30 am. Coffee break


11:30 am. – 12:30 pm. Review on the economic and cooperation relations between Canada and Latin America and the Caribbean
12:30 pm. – 1:00 pm. Debate among the representatives of the Member States of SELA


1:00 pm. – 1:30 pm. Conclusions and recommendations
  • Permanent Secretariat
4:30 pm. – 5:00 pm. Closing session
  • Speech by His Excellency Jorge Alvarado Rivas, Ambassador of the Plurinational Republic of Bolivia and Chairman of the Latin American Council
  • Speech by the representative of the government of Canada
  • Speech by Ambassador José Rivera Banuet, Permanent Secretary of SELA