Caracas, Venezuela. October  17 to 19, 2012 . Sede de la Secretaría Permanente, ubicada en la Av. Francisco de Miranda, Torre Europa, Piso 5, Sala Simón Bolívar, Urbanización Campo Alegre..


The sessions of the XXXVIII Regular Meeting of the Latin American Council of SELA were held in Caracas, Venezuela, in the headquarters of the Permanent Secretariat, on Av. Francisco de Miranda, Torre Europa, Fifth Floor, Simón Bolívar Conference Room, Campo Alegre. 

The Preparatory Stage took place on 17 and 18 October and the Ministerial Stage on 18 October after 15:00 and 19 October 2012.Item I. Organization of works 

An informal meeting with the Heads of Delegation took place, prior to the opening of the Preparatory Stage, with a view to unifying criteria as regards the following issues: 

  1. Election of the members of the Bureau: Consultations was made to elect the Chairman of the Council, the First Vice Chairman, the Second Vice Chairman and the Rapporteur.
  2. Draft organization of works for the Meeting.
  3. Agenda for the Preparatory Stage.

In accordance with Article 22 of the Regulations, the Latin American Council should approve the Agenda. Once the Bureau was elected, the Latin American Council considered the Draft organization of works (Part II of this document) and the Provisional Agenda (SP/CL/XXXVIII.O/DT Nº 1-12).