Caracas, Venezuela. October  17 to 19, 2012 . Sede de la Secretaría Permanente, ubicada en la Av. Francisco de Miranda, Torre Europa, Piso 5, Sala Simón Bolívar, Urbanización Campo Alegre..


The sessions of the XXXVIII Regular Meeting of the Latin American Council of SELA were held in Caracas, Venezuela, in the headquarters of the Permanent Secretariat, on Av. Francisco de Miranda, Torre Europa, Fifth Floor, Simón Bolívar Conference Room, Campo Alegre. 

The Preparatory Stage took place on 17 and 18 October and the Ministerial Stage on 18 October after 15:00 and 19 October 2012.List of documents 

Working Documents: 

DT 1


DT 2

Annotated provisional agenda and organization of works 

DT 3

Thirty-Sixth Annual Report of the Permanent Secretariat 

DT 4

Draft Work Programme for the year 2013 

DT 5

Draft Administrative Budget of the Permanent Secretariat for the year 2013 

DT 6

Audit Report on the Financial Statements of the Permanent Secretariat at 31 December 2011

DT 7

Audit Proposal for the year 2012 

DT 8

Election of a Member of the Administrative Tribunal of SELA 

DT 9

Election of the Permanent Secretary of SELA 

DT 10

Proposal for the establishment and development of the SELA-SMEs Programme 

Informative Documents: 

Di 1

Final Report on the XXII Meeting of International Cooperation Directors for Latin America and the Caribbean

Di 2

Final Report on the Seminar-Workshop “International Cooperation and strengthening of Cuban agri-food mini industries” 

Di 3

Final Report on the Regional Seminar “Cooperation between governments and the private sector for disaster risk reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean: Focus, progress and challenges” 

Di 4

Final Report on the III Latin American and Caribbean Regional Meeting on International Trade Single Windows: Paperless Trading and Risk Management in Trading Operations 

Di 5

Final Report on the Course on Entrepreneurship Strategies for the Development of New Entrepreneurs 

Di 6

The vision of the green economy in Latin America and the Caribbean 

Di 7

Final Report on the Regional Workshop on Cyberlaws 

Di 8

Final Report on the Regional Meeting “Analyses and Proposals for Strengthening the Regional Financial Architecture and Monetary and Financial Cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean” 

Di 9

U.S. Economic Relations with SELA Member Countries in a Time of Transition 

Di 10

Final Report on the Regional Seminar on Economic Relations between Canada and Latin America and the Caribbean 

Di 11

The services sector in Latin American and Caribbean integration 

Di 12

Relations between China and Latin America and the Caribbean in the current world economic situation 

Di 13

Final Report on the Regional Meeting on recent developments in economic relations between the Russian Federation and Latin America and the Caribbean 

Di 14

Mechanisms and modalities to promote trade among South American countries 

Di 15

Mechanisms and modalities to develop trade between the countries of the Central American Common Market and the Caribbean Community 

Di 16

Fundamentals and State of the Art of Digital Signature in Latin America and the Caribbean 

Di 17

Relations between Latin America and the Caribbean and the Middle East: Status and areas of opportunities 

Di 18

Final Report on the Latin American Seminar on SME export consortiums 

Di 19

Final Report on the II Meeting of the Working Group on Trade and Competition of Latin America and the Caribbean 

Di 20

Final Report on the Training Course on guarantee systems to support SMEs 

Di 21

The euro zone crisis and its impact on the European integration process and bi-regional relations between Latin American and the Caribbean and the European Union. Lines of action from the Latin American and Caribbean perspective 

Di 22

Prospects for economic growth and long-term development challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean 

Di 23

Report on the Regional Integration Process, 2011-2012 

Di 24

Follow-up Report on the application of the Helms Burton Law, 2011-2012 

Di 25

Final Report on the Regional Seminar on economic relations between Latin America and the Caribbean and Southeast Asian countries 

Di 26

Final Report on the Regional Seminar “Partnerships between public and private sectors for disaster risk management: Continuity of government and continuity of operations during disasters” 

Di 27

Situation and challenges of the current institutional architecture of Latin American and Caribbean integration 

Di 28

Compliance with Decision No. 527 “Support of the Permanent Secretariat of SELA and its Work Programme to the Establishment of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC)” 

Di 29

Latin American and Caribbean cooperation in the area of food security 

Di 30

Directory of Cooperation Sources for Financing South-South and Triangular Cooperation in Latin American and Caribbean countries 

Di 31

Report on cooperation relations between the United Nations and the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) for the period 2008 - 2012 

Di 32

Partnerships between public and private sectors for disaster risk reduction 

Di 33

Influence of free trade zones in the productive diversification and the international insertion of Latin American and Caribbean countries 

Di 34

Value chains, SMEs and public policies. International experiences and lessons for Latin America and the Caribbean 

Di 35

Productive development and industrialization in Latin America and the Caribbean 

Di 36

Report of the Informal Working Group on the compliance with Decision No. 521 of the Latin American Council 


  • SELA Antenna in the United States
  • Bulletin on Integration in Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Strategic Outlook
  • “Avances” Electronic Bulletin