Caracas, Venezuela. November  27 to 29, 2013


Work Documents:


DT 1 Agenda 
DT 2 Annotated agenda and organization of works 
DT 3 Thirty-Seventh Annual Report of the Permanent Secretariat 
DT 4 Work Programme for the year 2014 
DT 5 Draft Administrative Budget of the Permanent Secretariat for the year 2014 
DT 6 Audit Report on the Financial Statements of the Permanent Secretariat at 31 December 2012. 
DT 7 Audit Proposal for the year 2013 
DT 8 Election of a Member of the Administrative Tribunal of SELA 

Informative Documents:


Di 1 The Pacific Alliance in Latin American and Caribbean Integration 
Di 2 Assessment report on regional free trade agreements in Latin America and the Caribbean: 1980-2011. 
Di 3 PETROCARIBE Energy Cooperation Agreement 
Di 4 ALBA-TCP as a mechanism for cooperation with a regional scope 
Di 5 Economic Relations between Canada and Latin America and the Caribbean 
Di 6 Analysis and recommendations to promote trade between the Republic of Cuba and the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. 
Di 8 Status and achievements of the Institutional Architecture for Latin American and Caribbean Integration. 
Di 9 Final Report on the II Regional Seminar on Tourism: SMEs and Tourism Development in the Caribbean Región. 
Di 10 Final Report on the DebaTIC Forum: Value of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) in the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean. 
Di 11 Final Report on the Seminar on mechanisms to support innovation in SMEs 
Di 12 Final Report on the XXIV Meeting of International Cooperation Directors for Latin America and the Caribbean. Regional Cooperation in the area of Border Integration. 
Di 13 Final Report on internationalization and promotion of Caribbean SMEs consortiums 
Di 14 Final Report on the Meeting of Latin American and Caribbean senior officials on public policies for comprehensive care of youth: Inclusion and equality from a cross-cutting perspective. 
Di 15 Final Report on the Seminar on technology transfer mechanisms for SMEs


Di 16 Final Report on the Regional Workshop on development of SMEs in the area of handicrafts 
Di 17 Final Report on the II Regional Seminar “Partnership between public and private sectors for disaster risk reduction: Continuity of government and continuity of business operations during disasters”. 
Di 18 Final Report on productive coordination in Central America 
Di 19 Economic relations between Latin America and the Caribbean and European Union countries in times of crisis: Results and prospects arising from the first CELAC-EU Summit


Di 20 Impact of the international economic situation on migration of skilled human resources from Latin America and the Caribbean. 
Di 21 Final Report on the III Meeting of the Working Group on Trade and Competition 
Di 22 Follow-up Report on the on the application of the Helms Burton Law, 2012-2013 
Di 23 Final Report on the V Latin American and Caribbean Regional Meeting on International Trade Single Windows: Measuring the impact of Single Windows on countries’ economies and adoption of international recommendations – A needed debate. 
Di 24 Final Report on the Meeting of High-Level Officials on Productive and Industrial Development. 
Di 25 Final Report on the Regional Meeting on the United States economic relations with Latin America and the Caribbean: Status and prospects. 
Di 26 Final Report on the IV Latin American and Caribbean Regional Meeting on International Trade Single Windows: Public policies and intersectorality for a globalized, logistic and sustainable foreign trade. 
Di 27 Relations between Latin America and the Caribbean and the Pacific Basin: Society, policies, enterprises and technology. 
Di 28 Latin America and the Caribbean: A long-term vision of development, trends, challenges and policy options. 
Di 29 Debt Burden and fiscal sustainability in the Caribbean region.


Di 30 Conclusions and recommendations of documents and meetings held by the Permanent Secretariat of SELA in 2013. 
Di 31 Trade and integration of services in Latin America and the Caribbean 
Di 32 Latin American and Caribbean relations with Russia, India, China and South Africa 
Di 33 Japan’s economic relations with Latin America and the Caribbean. New paths towards growth and emerging countries. 
Di 34 New modalities for economic and cooperation relations between Latin America and the Caribbean and Africa. 
Di 35 SELA’s activities to support CELAC’s consolidation process. 2013 Report 
Di 36 Final Report: Workshop on the International Promotion of Agricultural SMEs 
Di 37 Final Report: Workshop-Seminar on Guarantee Systems in Central America 



  • SELA Antenna in the United States
  • Bulletin on Integration in Latin America and the Caribbean
  • “Avances” Electronic Bulletin