Georgetown, Guyana. October  14 to 15, 2014


Tuesday, 14 October



8:30 – 9:00 REGISTRATION


  • Representative of SELA
  • Representative of the Government of Guyana
  • Representative of CARICOM


9:30 – 10:30 Keynote speech on public policies for the promotion of guarantee systems and challenges faced by Latin America and the Caribbean
Pablo Pombo, Ibero-American Guarantee Network (REGAR)


10:30 – 10:50 Coffee break


10:50 – 12:10 Opportunities and financial constraints for SMEs in the Caribbean
  • Guyana
  • Haití
  • Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)
  • Association of SMEs (CASME)


12:10 – 12:30 Questions and Answers


12:30 Lunch




14:00 – 14:45 Prospects for SMEs in the Caribbean: Requirements and sectors in need of financial assistance. Types of assistance
  • Leela Ramoutar, Caribbean Community (CARICOM)


14:45 – 15:30 Public Policies for SMEs Financing
  • Barbados
  • Jamaica
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Surinam


15:30 – 15:50 Questions and Answers


15:50 – 16:10 Coffee break


16:10 – 17:00 Structure and policies of Colombian guarantee funds: Similarities and differences with the Caribbean region
  • Juan Carlos Romero Angel, Director of Commercial Relations of the National Guarantee Fund (FNG)


17:00 Closing session and remarks for the day


Wednesday, 15 October


9:00 – 10:00 Prospects and challenges for guarantee systems. The Peruvian experience.
  • Edgard Coquis, President of the Guarantee Fund for the Small Industry of Perú (FOGAPI)


10:00 – 10:20 Coffee break


10:20 – 11:20 Experience of El Salvador in guarantee funds, best practices and proposals.
  • Ingrid Duran, Manager of the National Guarantee Fund of El Salvador (FSG/BANDESAL)


11:20 – 12:00 Mechanisms to formalize SMEs and incorporate them into the financial system. Basics elements for creating a credit flow environment
  • Wayne Dass, Caribbean Information and Credit Rating Services Limited (CariCRIS)


12:00 Lunch


13:30 – 14:30 Strategies to develop and strengthen a regional guarantee scheme
  • Gustavo Ardila, Vicepresident of Productive and Financial Sectors of CAF-Development Bank of Latin America


14:30 – 14:50 Questions and Answers


14:50 – 15:10 Coffee break


15:10 – 16:10 General Debate: A Regional Caribbean Guarantee System: requirements for a regional action plan and further steps.
  • Pablo Pombo, Ibero-American Guarantee Network (REGAR)
  • Juan Carlos Romero Angel, National Guarantee Fund of Colombia (FNG)
  • Antonio Leone, SELA-SMEs Programme
  • Gustavo Ardila, Representative of CAF


16:10 – 16:30 Conclusions and recommendations


16:30 Closing session