Caracas, Venezuela. November  26 to 28, 2014 . headquarters of the Permanent Secretariat, on Av. Francisco de Miranda, Torre Europa, Fifth Floor, Simón Bolívar Conference Room, Campo Alegre.


Works documents:


DT 1 Draft agenda 
DT 2 Draft annotated agenda and organization of Works 
DT 3 Thirty-Eighth Annual Report of the Permanent Secretariat 
DT 4 Work Programme for the year 2015 
DT 5 Draft Administrative Budget of the Permanent Secretariat for the year 2015 
DT 6 Audit Report on the Financial Statements of the Permanent Secretariat at 31 December 2013 
DT 7 Audit Proposal for the year 2014 
DT 8 Election of a Member of the Administrative Tribunal of SELA 

Informative documents:


Di 1 Final Report on the Regional Meeting: “The United States economic relations with Latin America and the Caribbean. Status and prospects”. 
Di 2 Follow-up Report on the on the application of the Helms Burton Law, 2013-2014 
Di 3 Final Report on the Regional Meeting on Latin American and Caribbean economic relations with emerging countries (BRICS). 
Di 4 Report on the Regional Integration Process, 2013-2014 
Di 5 Final Report on the Meeting of experts on the debt burden in the Caribbean region 
Di 6 Evolution of the Andean Community (CAN) 
Di 7 Evolution of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) 
Di 8 Evolution of the Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR) 
Di 9 Evolution of the Central American Integration System (SICA) 
Di 10 Evolution of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-People’s Trade Agreement (ALBA-TCP) 
Di 11 Evolution of the Pacific Alliance 
Di 12 Opportunities and challenges for coordination and convergence of subregional integration mechanisms in Latin America and the Caribbean. 
Di 13 An analysis of trade flows between SICA and the rest of Latin America and the Caribbean. Policy recommendations for their promotion, stabilization and diversification. 
Di 14 An analysis of trade flows between CARICOM and Latin America. Policy recommendations for their promotion, stabilization and diversification. 
Di 15 Final Report on the IV Meeting of the Working Group on Trade and Competition in Latin America and the Caribbean. 
Di 16 Public procurement as a tool for development in Latin America and the Caribbean 
Di 17 Comparative study for the identification of best practices in managing international trade procedures in Latin America and the Caribbean. 
Di 18 Final Report on the XXV Meeting of International Cooperation Directors for Latin America and the Caribbean. Cooperation and migrants’ remittances: Impact on savings, investment and development.


Di 19 Final Report on the III Regional Seminar “partnerships between the public and private sectors for disaster risk management: continuity of government and continuity of operations during disasters in Latin America and the Caribbean: Achievement and experiences from the perspective of local governments and enterprises”. 
Di 20 Public policies to support MSMEs in Latin America and the Caribbean 
Di 21 Final Report on the Regional Workshop on public policies to promote SMEs (Bolivia) 
Di 22 Final Report on the Regional Workshop on public policies to promote SMEs (Honduras) 
Di 23 Final Report on the Regional Workshop on public policies to promote SMEs (Trinidad and Tobago). 
Di 24 Final Report on the Seminar-Workshop on productive coordination in Latin America 
Di 25 Final Report on the Meeting of export consortiums for the Caribbean 
Di 26 Final Report on the II Regional Workshop on development of SMEs in the area of handicrafts. 
Di 27 Final Report on the Seminar-Workshop on Credit Guarantee Systems in the Caribbean 
Di 28 Final Report on the Seminar on promotion of innovation to improve the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Latin America and the Caribbean. 
Di 29 Final Report on the Seminar on the apparel industry and economic development in the Caribbean: Efficient Planning and Allocation of Resources. 
Di 30 Final Report on the Meeting on institutional strengthening of SMEs business associations


Di 31 Economic and cooperation relations between Latin America and the Caribbean and United States. 
Di 32 Final Report on the Regional Meeting to monitor and analyze the economic situation of the European Union and its impact on the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. 
Di 33 Final Report on the Regional Meeting on the economic, trade and cooperation relations of Latin America and the Caribbean with the People’s Republic of China. 
Di 34 Final Report on the Regional Meeting on the economic and trade relations of Latin America and the Caribbean with nations of the Pacific, India and Africa


Di 35 Economic, legal and effects of the operations of transnational companies in Latin America and the Caribbean. 
Di 36 Conclusions and recommendations of documents and meetings of the Permanent Secretariat of SELA in 2014. 
Di 37 Directory of intergovernmental organizations, institutions and agencies in Latin America and the Caribbean. 




  SELA Antenna in the United States 
  Bulletin on Integration in Latin America and the Caribbean 
  "Avances" Electronic Bulletin