Peru, Lima. May  05 to 06, 2015 . University of the Pacific).



It is a known fact that ongoing technological changes have contributed to a rapid transformation of economic activities, which leads to improved business productivity. SMEs should consider constant improvements in their products and services. Therefore, encouraging innovation processes is of the essence. In most cases, such processes involve the implementation of technological and organizational changes to meet the issues of competition and changing markets.

In order to meet the demands of entrepreneurs and governments on this issue, SELA has organized courses, seminars and other training activities, in an attempt to convey the concepts and methodologies to promote innovation and boost productivity and competitiveness, thus favouring a more efficient business management by SMEs.

In 2013, the Permanent Secretariat of SELA conducted the S0eminar on Technology Transfer Mechanisms for SMEs in Lima, Peru. This activity was organized jointly with the Small Industry Committee of Peru (COPEI). During the activity, a review was made on the progress achieved, the strategies and tools to support the process of effective technology transfer. Representatives of the Andean Region shared their main successful experiences in promoting innovation as a strategic tool to support the improvement of SME competitiveness and productivity. In addition, Brazil, Chile and Mexico shared their experiences.

In mid-October 2014, a “Seminar on Innovation for SMEs” was conducted in Uruguay with the support of the National Direction of Handicrafts, Micro and Small-sized Enterprises of Uruguay (DINAPYME). The meeting evaluated the progress made in this matter in the region and presented the study “Identification of successful experiences in implementing business innovation processes” (SP/STGIP/DT N° 2), prepared by the Permanent Secretariat.

According to the results of this study, a recommendation was made to conduct a Regional Forum on innovation, competitiveness and productivity, focused on the new public policy instruments to foster innovation and improve productive business efficiency of SMEs.