Continue to promote the creation of public-private partnerships for disaster risk reduction;
Adjust public-private partnership models to the principles, objectives and scope set forth in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 (SFDRR) at the local, national and regional levels;
Promote the implementation of the SFDRR in Latin America and the Caribbean;
Identify and analyze successful experiences in risk management and disaster prevention from the perspective of enterprise and corporate social responsibility;
Further support and strengthen the Disaster Risk Reduction Private Sector Partnership Group (PSP) in the Americas;
Continue to support the coordination and cooperation of the work performed by the UNISDR and OCHA in the field of strategic alliances between the public and private sectors for disaster risk reduction; and
Further promote the continuity of Government and continuity of business and operations during disasters, from a regional, comprehensive and forward-looking perspective.