Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala. September  28 to 30, 2016 . Hotel Hilton Garden Inn.


SMEs should consider constant improvements in their products and services. Therefore, encouraging innovation processes is of the essence. In most cases, such processes involve the implementation of technological and organizational changes to meet the issues of competition and changing markets. Additionally, ongoing technological changes have contributed to the transformation of the economy achieving improved business productivity.

In order to meet the demands of entrepreneurs and governments on this issue, SELA has organized courses, seminars and other training activities, in an attempt to convey the concepts and methodologies to promote innovation and boost productivity and competitiveness, thus favouring a more efficient business management by SMEs.

In 2013, the Permanent Secretariat conducted the Seminar on Technology Transfer Mechanisms for SMEs, in Lima, Peru. This activity was organized jointly with the Small Industry Committee of Peru (COPEI). During the activity, a review was made on the progress achieved, the strategies and tools to support the process of effective technology transfer. Information about the main successful stories in the Andean Region has been disseminated, in order to promote innovation as a strategic tool to support the improvement of SMEs competitiveness and productivity. In addition, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Peru shared their experiences.

In mid-October 2014, a “Seminar on Innovation for SMEs” was conducted, which was supported by the National Direction of Handicrafts, Micro and Small-sized Enterprises of Uruguay (DINAPYME). The meeting evaluated the progress as regards this issue in the region and presented the study “Identification of Successful Experiences for the Implementation of Innovation Processes in Companies” (SP/STGIP/DT N° 2), prepared by the Permanent Secretariat.

In May 2015, the Regional Meeting on Innovation, Competitiveness and Productivity was held in Lima, Peru and the final version of the aforementioned study was presented. This study makes a critical review of policies and programmes to help increase the effectiveness of investments in innovation in SMEs of the region, particularly with reference to existing companies in the industrial sector, and reviews some successful cases in business innovation, most of them showing incremental innovations with a low impact on the competitiveness and growth of enterprises. In addition, the study analyzes conceptual and methodological aspects related to the topic of innovation in SMEs in the region and proposes strategies and methodologies to promote innovation processes and knowledge management inside enterprises, in order to increase and sustain their growth and competitiveness.