Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. October  26 to 28, 2016 . Municipio Chacao, Av. Francisco de Miranda, Torre Europa, Piso 5, Sala Simón Bolívar, Urbanización Campo Alegre, Caracas.



Documentos de trabajo:

DT 1

Draft agenda

DT 2

Draft annotated agenda and organization of works

DT 3

Fortieth Annual Report of the Permanent Secretariat

DT 4

Work Programme for the year 2017

DT 5 Draft Administrative Budget of the Permanent Secretariat for the year 2017

DT 6

Audit Report on the Financial Statements of the Permanent Secretariat at 31 December 2016

DT 7 Audit Proposal for the year 2016

DT 8

Election of a Member of the Administrative Tribunal of SELA


Informative Documents:

Di 1

The Impact of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership on Latin American and Caribbean Countries.

Di 2

Final report of the Regional Meeting on Regulatory Frameworks in the subregional integration mechanisms of Latin America and the Caribbean: Harmonization and Convergence.

Di 3 

Final report of the Regional Meeting on economic relations between Latin America and the Caribbean and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

Di 4 

Final Report on the Regional Meeting on an Assessment of the Economic and Cooperation Relations of Central America, the Caribbean and Mexico.

Di 5

Final Report on the First Latin American and Caribbean Regional Meeting of Logistic Port Communities

Di 6

Final Report on the Seminar-Workshop on Entrepreneurship “Towards the creation of an entrepreneurial-driven economy: demystifying the journey”

Di 7

Final Report on the Seminar on productive articulation strategies and methodologies, clusters and export consortiums: Caribbean and Central American Experiences

Di 8

Final report of V Annual Meeting of the Working Group on Trade and Competition of Latin America and the Caribbean (WGTC)