Quito, Ecuador. December  01 to 02, 2016 . Hotel Quito, Av. Gonzalez Suarez N27 142.


Small and medium-sized enterprises face the challenge of exporting, which makes them formulate strategies with defined long-term objectives in order to find new markets, with trained staff at all levels acting in a coordinated manner and establishing various forms of sectoral linkages.

The experience gained by SELA in this area is recognized, since courses and workshops on SMEs internationalization have been held and supported by experts of public and private organizations in several countries of the region and other regions. A significant number of them have successfully promoted strategies, programmes and instruments to facilitate the inclusion of their SMEs in international markets. For example, in coordination with UNIDO, a Latin American Network of Export and Origin Consortiums was created, made up of Latin American public and private institutions that promote the development of consortiums. This Network aims to promote the exchange of experiences and best practices for the promotion of export and origin consortiums in Latin America and the Caribbean.