Montevideo, Uruguay. November  16 to 17, 2017 . Secretariat of the Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR).
  1. Design processes for the selection of companies with complementarities in production, and identify opportunities for collaboration, according to the size of companies, their objectives, and the economic sector where they work, among other aspects.
  2. Provide the Member States with the necessary information to initiate the process of establishing strategic business partnerships among SMEs in the region.
  3. Start the design of a directory of regional companies that includes potential complementarities in production, in collaboration with export and trade promotion agencies of the countries in the region.
  4. Promote the debate on regulations, such as tariff rates, formalities in import/export processes and the rules of origin or health required by the different countries of regional blocs.
  5. Generate spaces for the encounter among public and private sectors so that they can actively participate in this initiative, which aims to serve as a platform for these new interconnections.