Mexico City, Mexico. May  30,  2018 . National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Building B (annex) of the Faculty of Economics of the UNAM, Jesús Silva Herzog Auditorium. Mexico, D. F., Mexico..




Javier Paulinich



Ambassador Javier Paulinich. Permanent Secretary of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA).

Correo jpaulinich@sela.orgsp_sela@sela.org

Www www.sela.org

Main lines of research

Internationalization of SMEs

Trade integration

Global Value Chains

Development cooperation

Publications or projects

Negotiation of the Technical Cooperation Agreement between SELA and the OECD for the implementation of the Public Policy Index for MSMEs in Latin America and the Caribbean (2017).

Ambassador, Director of Asian and Oceanic Affairs of the Undersecretariat for Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania (1999).

Representative of Peru (SOM – PERU) to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC) (1999).

Active participation in FTA negotiations of Peru with China, Japan, Singapore, United States, Canada, and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) as head of the Peruvian commission to the WTO (2004-2009).


Ignacio Bartesaghi2


Ignacio Bartesaghi Hierro - ibartesa@ucu.edu.uy

Director of the Department of International Business and Integration of the Catholic University of Uruguay (UCU). Professor of the Faculty of Business Sciences of the UCU and the University of the Republic. He was the coordinator of the Latin America-Asia Pacific Observatory from 2012 to 2017.

Within the framework of the IV International Seminar ALC-China, he will be the moderator of session A8 “Experiences and opportunities for LAC-China cooperation: Towards the internationalization of SMEs in the region”, organized by the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System. In addition, he will participate as a speaker in table A3. “LAC-China: regional and bilateral trade”, in which he will present the potential effects of an FTA between China and Uruguay.

He holds a PhD in International Relations, Master in International Trade and Integration, Postgraduate Certificate in International Business and Integration, in Foreign Trade and a Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations.

He is member of the National Research System of Uruguay and author of numerous books and articles on his sphere of activity.


 Javier Iracheta 


Javier Iracheta Villasana. Manager of Chinese-Mexican Relations of the Zhonghua business association.

Correo jiracheta@mexchina.org

Www www.mexchina.org

Main lines of research: China, China’s policy, foreign policy, Mexico-China

Publications or projects: Association of Mexican students in Tsinghua / Mexico-China Student Council


Anibal Zottele 


Aníbal Zottele. Professor of the Veracruz University of Mexico.

Correo aczottele@hotmail.com

Www https://www.uv.mx/chinaveracruz/

Main lines of research

1. Mexican and Chinese MSMEs

2. One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative: Impact on Latin America

3. Tourism between Mexico and China

Publications or projects

-Article on “Diversification of Veracruz foreign trade: Opportunities in Southeast Asia”. In PORTES: Revista Mexicana de Estudios sobre la Cuenca del Pacífico. 11 (22), 45-70.   National University of Colima. Colima, Mexico, 2017. Refereed journal. Link: http://www.portesasiapacifico.com.mx/?p=articulo&id=339

-Book “Mexican and Chinese SMEs vis-à-vis the accelerated growth of economic relations between the two nations”. Veracruz University. Xalapa, Mexico, 2017.


Jose Azanero 

José Azañero. Representative of the public sector.

Correo jazanero@pucp.edu.pe

Main lines of research

International economy

International financial markets

Industrial policy

Publications or projects


Ernesto Taboada 

Ernesto Fernández Taboada. Argentine Chamber of Commerce.

Correo etaboada@argenchina.org

Www www.argenchina.org

Main lines of research:

Chinese middle class – New patterns of consumption in China.

E-commerce – Insertion of foreign enterprises in the Chinese market.

Publications or projects:

*Co-author of the book “Business Culture in China” –Universidad Libros Publishers. First edition in 2009.

*Author of the Chapter “A subjective look at China and Argentina” in the book “Why China?”, published in 2015 by the National University of Lanús.

*Professor of post-graduate studies on China at the National University of La Plata, National University of Lanús and the National University of Córdoba.


Fatima Fierro 

Mrs. Fátima Fierro. Executive Secretary of the Uruguay-China Chamber of Commerce.

Correo info@ccuch.org.uyffierro@ccuch.org.uy

Www www.ccuch.org.uy

Main lines of research

Relations between China and Uruguay in all aspects, trade links between the two countries, institutional, academic, cultural, and friendship ties.

Promotion and development of bilateral cooperation, accompaniment and participation in official and private initiatives, the latter of them through Uruguayan and Chinese institutions.

Year 2018: Thirtieth Anniversary of diplomatic relations between Uruguay and China. Analysis of the status of trade exchanges and future prospects.

Work areas:

CHINA-LAC BUSINESS SUMMIT, organized by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and institutions of Latin American and Caribbean countries.

First China and Latin America Summit and Exhibition, held in the city of Zhuhai, China, in November 2017.


China International Import and Export, 5 to 10 November, Shanghai. First event held in 2018. (http://www.shanghaiexpo.org.cn/zbh/en/).