Venue and date
The VIII Annual Meeting of the Working Group on Trade and Competition (WGTC) of Latin America and the Caribbean will be conducted on 10 and 11 October 2018 at the Instituto Serzedello Corrêa, in Brasilia, Brazil.
The official languages of the event will be Spanish and English. There will be simultaneous interpretation.
After sending the registration form duly filled in, the organizers of the event will make arrangements to purchase your air ticket and will make your hotel reservation, in accordance with the selected route.
The delegates and representatives of participating countries will be hosted at the Hotel Goldin Tulip Brasilia Alvorada.
The Administrative Council for Economic Defence of Brazil will cover transportation expenses from the airport to the hotel and from the hotel to the airport, as well as for transportation to and from the venue of the meeting and the places designated for the dinners.
Dress code
Formal attire in suggested for the days of the meeting.
For the dinners, cocktail attire is suggested.