Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. February  14 to 15, 2019 . Hotel El Embajador, Av. Sarasota, 65, Bella Vista.


Thursday, 14 Februay 2019


8:30 – 9:00 REGISTRATION

9:00 – 9:30


  • Nelson Toca Simó, Minister for Industry, Trade and MSMEs of Dominican Republic (MICM)
  • Isidoro Santana, Minister of Economy, Planning and Development of the Dominican Republic
  • Wilton Juma, Vice Minister of Labor of the Ministry of Labor of the Dominican Republic
  • Rebeca Vidal, Chief Executive Officer and Expert in Business Development of CAF-development bank of Latin America
  • Óscar Hernández, Senior Adviser to the Permanent Secretary of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA)
9:30- 9:40


9:40 -11:00

SESSION I: Strengthening of institutional capacities to promote the formalization of MSMEs in Latin America and the Caribbean


The formalization of a productive unit demands compliance with requirements and procedures, which shall be subject to the labour and tax laws and in accordance with the legal system of property and market operation rights. This heterogeneous nature of regulatory objectives and stakeholders can result in complex and inefficient registration systems with high monetary costs and increased amount of time and paperwork required.

Presentations in this session will focus on regional and international experiences in the implementation of measures that strengthen institutional capacities to promote formalization, making emphasis on the results achieved and recognizing the major challenges and opportunities identified.

Presentations of 20 minutes each


ModeratorÓscar Hernández, Senior Adviser to the Permanent Secretary of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) 

11:00 -11:15


11:15 – 12:30

OPEN DEBATE: Questions and comments about the main problems and challenges in strengthening institutional capacities to promote the formalization of MSMEs in Latin America and the Caribbean


Selected countries will encourage the discussion and exchange of ideas on the main problems, obstacles, and challenges faced in the formalization of MSMEs in the region. After their presentation, the floor will be given to the rest of delegations that wish to make remarks.

Presentations of 7 minutes each.


ModeratorÓscar Hernández, Senior Adviser to the Permanent Secretary of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) 

12:30– 02:00




2:00 – 3:00

SESSION II: Quality of work and social equity as benefits arising from formalization 


One of the constraints that MSMEs face in their process of formalization arises from obstacles for them to access the social security and protection system of workers, given their low taxable capacity, irregular income, complex declaration and payment procedures, and transaction costs to access these public services.

Presentations will focus on experiences in the region, in order to achieve one of the main incentives for formalization of MSMEs, such as increasing the quality of work, improving employment equity, and promoting access to the social security of workers of small and medium-sized enterprises. 

Presentations of 20 minutes each


ModeratorValentín Herrera, Director of Labour of the Ministry for Labour of Dominican Republic 

3:00 – 3:15


3:15 – 4:15

OPEN DEBATE: Questions and comments about the main problems and challenges in quality of work and social equity as benefits arising from formalization


Selected countries will encourage the discussion and exchange of ideas on the main problems, obstacles, and challenges that MSMEs have faced in accessing the social security and protection systems of workers of small companies. After their presentation, the floor will be given to the rest of delegations that wish to make remarks.

Presentations of 7 minutes each.


ModeratorEscarlen Vidal Vargas, Manager of Economic Analysis and Simplification of Procedures of the Ministry for Industry, Trade and MSMEs of Dominican Republic 

4:15 – 4:30


4:30 – 5:00

Closing of the day. Representative of the Ministry for Industry, Trade and MSMEs of Dominican Republic (MICM): Challenges of formalization for Dominican Republic


Friday, 15 Februay 2019 



9:30 – 10:30

SESSION III: Experiences and best practices in the formalization of MSMEs in Latin America and the Caribbean


Presentations will focus on experiences and best practices in public and private efforts to promote the formalization of MSMEs in Latin America and the Caribbean. In addition, they will address the various national strategies that have been developed in the region to improve regulatory frameworks, strengthen institutional capacities, promote the quality of work and social equity, and encourage tax benefits through the formalization of MSMEs.

Presentations of 15 minutes each.


Moderator: Elupina Almonte, Executive Director of the Dominican Federation of Chambers of Commerce (FEDOCAMARAS) 

10:30 – 10:45


10:45 – 11:45

OPEN DEBATE: Questions and comments about experiences and best practices in the formalization of MSMEs in Latin America and the Caribbean


Selected countries will encourage the discussion and exchange of ideas on the main problems, obstacles, and challenges that MSMEs have faced in complying with their tax and fiscal obligations, and the incentives and benefits that could arise from their incorporation into the tax system in the context of a differentiated treatment for small taxpayers. After their presentation, the floor will be given to the rest of delegations that wish to make remarks.

Presentations of 7 minutes each.


ModeratorNayensky Concepción, Financial Inclusion Manager of the Ministry for Industry, Trade and MSMEs of Dominican Republic (MICM) 

11:45 – 12:00


12:00 – 2:00




2:00 – 3:30

Towards the construction of a roadmap for the promotion of MSMEs in Latin America and the Caribbean. Conclusions, proposals and initiatives to make progress in the formalization of MSMEs in Latin America and the Caribbean 

Moderators: Javier Gordon Ruiz, Director (a.i.) of Relations for Integration and Cooperation of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA), and Noel Bou Vásquez, Director of Support Services for MSMEs of the Ministry for Industry, Trade and MSMEs of Dominican Republic (MICM)


In this session, three subregional working groups will be established to identify priorities and points of interest with a view to promoting and strengthening policies and programmes for the formalization of MSMEs in Latin America and the Caribbean.


  • Presentation of the Ministry for Industry, Trade and MSMEs of Dominican Republic (MICM)

2:30 – 4:00 




  • Óscar Hernández, Senior Adviser to the Permanent Secretary del Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA)
  • Rebeca Vidal, Chief Executive Officer and Expert in Business Development of CAF-development bank of Latin America
  • Ignacio A. Méndez Fernández, Vice-Minister (a.i.) for Promotion of MSMEs of the Ministry for Industry, Trade and MSMEs of Dominican Republic (MICM)

Dinner at El Conuco Restaurant (hotel lobby 7:00 pm)