Venue and date
The Seminar-Workshop on Experiences in Formalization of MSMEs in Latin America and the Caribbean will be held on 14 and 15 February 2019, in the Hotel El Embajador. Av. Sarasota, 65, Bella Vista. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
The official languages for the event will be Spanish and English. There will simultaneous interpretation.
Hotel El Embajador
Av. Sarasota, 65, Bella Vista
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
Contacts: Anyelis Pérez
Email: elembajador.grupos@royalhideaway.com
In case you require further support, please contact at SELA:
Mrs. Cora Romero
Official of Travels and Arrangements
Administration Management, Personnel and General Services
Permanent Secretariat
Telephone: +58(212) 9557111 and 9557124
Fax: +58(212) 9516901 and 9515292
E-mail: cromero@sela.org
We recommended you to use the taxi service provided by the hotel.
Dress code
Formal attire