26 enero 2010


SELA Press Office

Caracas, 26 January 2010 – The Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) and the Centre of Economic and Social Studies of the Third World (CEESTEM) signed a framework agreement aimed at promoting and developing cooperation among the countries of the region, strengthening their stances at the international level and supporting and boosting the regional economic, social, environmental and cultural progress.

CEESTEM, based in Mexico, is a permanent body with own legal personality and capacity to offer institutional, technical and administrative support with a view to contributing to research and development of scientific and social responses and suggesting solutions to the most urgent issues of the Latin American region.

This institution also formulates new and own categories for better life and work conditions in Latin America and makes critical reviews in development processes, analyzing the most important factors of Latin American economy, politics and society.

Moreover, it sets out to strengthen the work done in the area of cooperation to promote historical, cultural, social and economic links among the Latin American countries, acknowledging and valuing diversity.

SELA and CEESTEM will join efforts to achieve the goals both organizations share through the definition of areas of responsibility, a task to be directly carried out by both parties and set forth in the protocols making up the agreement.

Plans of action to be developed by both institutions will consider collaboration in the areas of regional integration, trade and investment, social development, information and communication technologies, international cooperation, disaster risk reduction, small and medium-sized enterprises and relations between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean.

Signatories to this agreement, signed in Mexico City, are the General Director of CEESTEM, Jorge Nuño, and the Permanent Secretary of SELA, Ambassador José Rivera Banuet.