12 febrero 2010


SELA Press

Caracas, 12 February 2010 – As part of the Work Programme of the Permanent Secretariat of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA), approved by its Member States during the latest meeting of the Latin American Council, the Permanent Secretariat has convened the “Regional Meeting on the economic relations between Latin America and the Caribbean and the European Union and the VI Bi-regional Summit of Madrid”, to be held in Caracas on 25 and 26 February 2010.

The objectives of this important meeting are: to evaluate recent trends of economic relations between the EU and LAC; to analyze short and medium-term prospects of such relations; and to review perceptions in Latin America and the Caribbean of relations with the EU, as well as the expected results from the upcoming bi-regional Summit in Madrid.

The agenda for the meeting also envisages a proposal to the Member States of SELA with elements that may contribute to outlining a common position for the region vis-à-vis the European Union; as well as preliminary ideas for the preparation process of Latin America and the Caribbean ahead of the VI Bi-regional Summit to be held in Madrid in 2010.

In addition to the representatives of the Member States, participants in this meeting will include high-level officials of the General Secretariat of the Central American Integration System (SIECA), the General Secretariat of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS), the General Secretariat of the Andean Community (CAN), the Executive Secretariat of ECLAC, the Executive Secretariat of ALBA, the General Secretariat of CARICOM, the Commission of Permanent Representatives of MERCOSUR, and the Pro Tempore Secretariat of UNASUR.

Top-level representatives of the current “troika” of the LAC-EU Summit process – Peru, Spain and Argentina – will also attend the meeting.

The debates will be based on the document “Recent economic relations of Latin America and the Caribbean with the European Union ahead of the Madrid Summit”, prepared by the Permanent Secretariat of SELA.