05 abril 2011

Fuente: Published by The Wall Street Journal, US

San Salvador, April 5- On a three-nation trip to Latin America, President Barack Obama offered the region much of what its leaders crave: attention and respect. Beyond that, there may have been more symbolism than accomplishments.

On many of the most important issues on the regional agenda -including trade, immigration and energy- Mr. Obama was unwilling or unable to offer the solutions Latin America has been seeking.

Mr. Obama declared, for example, that U.S. demand for drugs is helping fuel drug-related violence in Central America, but offered no new ideas on how to reduce domestic addiction. And while he acknowledged that many illegal guns flow south from the U.S., the president proposed no new plans for halting the traffic.

"When it comes to the truly crucial issues that are at the heart of U.S.-Latin American relations, to really move the relationship forward requires politically costly decisions here in the United States," said Kevin Casas-Zamora, a former vice president in Costa Rica who now studies Latin America in Washington.

White House officials said the trip was meant to deepen U.S. ties with the region and expand economic opportunity for U.S. companies, particularly in Brazil, a country with almost 200 million people that is becoming a player in global affairs and economics. It has the world's seventh biggest economy -bigger than Italy or Canada- and is potentially more important to U.S. interests than even India.

Over time, deeper relations with Latin American leaders should translate to help on important regional and international issues, according to administration officials. "The success and tangible benefits of the trip aren't the kinds of things that can be measured the day we get home," said White House spokesman Josh Earnest.

But the lack of progress on Latin America's top interests often relates to U.S. domestic politics. Take immigration. Mr. Obama spoke out in both Chile and El Salvador for comprehensive legislation that would give illegal immigrants, many from Latin America, a path to citizenship. But he offered no plan or ideas for how he might move long-stalled legislation through Congress.

Ahead of the meeting, Salvadoran officials were hoping for progress on a more modest immigration problem: relief for some 220,000 Salvadorans who have been living legally in the U.S.since an earthquake a decade ago who must get their status renewed every 18 months. The matter came up in a bilateral meeting with El Salvador's president, but a White House official said Mr. Obama made no promises.

In Brazil, Mr. Obama repeatedly promoted U.S. business, but the action Latin America is waiting for most urgently are two pending free trade agreements, with Colombia and Panama. The Obama administration says both need more work before the president will submit them to Congress. The Colombia talks continued over the weekend.

During his visit, Mr. Obama touted Brazil's strong record on biofuels, which power more than half of all vehicles in that country. But the U.S. makes it almost impossible for Brazil to sell its sugar-based ethanol in the U.S., as it would like, by imposing an import tariff of 54 cents per gallon. Mr. Obama said nothing about modifying that policy, which is supported by U.S. corn-based ethanol interests.

Even as he was touting clean energy, Mr. Obama also spoke enthusiastically about oil production. He said he hoped U.S. companies would be able to help Brazil develop the massive new oil fields recently discovered off the coast.

"And when you're ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers," he said.

Mr. Obama did announce some small-scale agreements. In Brazil, he concluded agreements on aviation that will allow more direct flights between the countries, and trade cooperation, giving the nations a framework for hashing out issues. In Chile, he announced expanded student exchanges. In El Salvador, he said the U.S. was committing new dollars to fight drug trafficking.

And, issues aside, sometimes just showing up makes a difference.

In Rio de Janiero, he visited a rehabilitated slum where children and adults alike marveled that a U.S. president looked a lot like they did. In Chile, he paid homage to the nation's economic rise.

Franciso Altschul, the Salvadoran ambassador to the United States, said the most significant aspect may be Mr. Obama's visit to the tomb of Archbishop Oscar Romero, the revered human rights champion who was murdered in 1980.

"Monsignor Romero was a champion of human rights, of justice, of democracy," Mr. Altschul said. The Obama visit, he said, "is very important”.

Relationships built on this trip are likely to pay dividends later, officials said. In Brazil, President Dilma Rousseff began her term just three months ago, so the visit may put the U.S.-Brazil relationship on strong early footing. In El Salvador, President Carlos Mauricio Funes may help the U.S. navigate Central America, where other countries are far less stable.

Mr. Obama's decision to come is a validation for countries that often feel neglected, said Ted Piccone, who covered Latin America for the National Security Council in the Clinton administration, now at the Brookings Institution.

"It's still very important to build up the relationships and signal that the United States really cares about Latin America," he said. "It's still worth the trip”.