28 abril 2011

Fuente: Published by ANDINA, Peru

Lima, April 28 (ANDINA)- Peruvian President Alan Garcia will meet Thursday with his counterparts from Colombia, Chile and Mexico to sign the so-called Pacific Agreement at the Lima Summit on Deep Integration.

Chile’s Sebastian Pinera, Mexico's Felipe Calderon and Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia are scheduled to arrive at the Government Palace at 13.45 (17.45 GMT). President Garcia will host a lunch for the visiting leaders around 14.10.

Two hours later, the four presidents will meet in the Great Hall of the Government Palace and then participate in the signing of the Lima Declaration at 18.15, followed by a press conference in the Golden Hall.

President Alan Garcia said Wednesday that the trade accord will spur regional economic growth and enable the Latin American nations to compete with Asia.

The agreement, known as the Pacific Agreement, will boost trade by cutting import tariffs, Garcia said yesterday after meeting with Mexican President Felipe Calderon at the presidential palace in Lima.

“This represents a new integration model that will enable us to compete with the powerful economies of Asia and the rest of the world,” Garcia said. “Mexico is a solid ally for Peru, Chile and Colombia due to its size, the strength of its companies and its agriculture”.