04 mayo 2011

Fuente: Published by AllHeadlineNews.com, US

United Nations, May 4- By July 1, official global headcount is expected to reach 6.9 billion and grow further to 7 billion after four months.

The world’s population will reach 10 billion by 2100, according to forecast of United Nations population experts released Tuesday.

By July 1, official global headcount is expected to reach 6.9 billion and grow further to 7 billion after four months.

The UN said the bulk of the population growth would be in high-fertility nations, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa.

The agency based its projections on expected fertility rates. It made the forecast to help UN agencies come up with and finance programs for world problems such as climate change and maternal deaths.

Hania Zlotnik, director of the UN Population Division, said while the world has not collapsed with the addition of so many people, hardest hit by the population boom are poor nations. She warned that unless these countries lower their fertility level, residents will face significant social, health, economic and political problems.

The report observed that because of medical advances, there are fewer deaths but at the same time more births than anticipated.

The UN warned that if global fertility would increase by half a child more per female, the 10 billion projection by 2100 could further balloon to 16 billion.