02 abril 2012

Fuente: Published by Prensa Latina, via Google News

Managua, April 2 (PL)- At least three million people in Central America will benefit directly from the pact signed by the governments of Nicaragua, El Salvador and Honduras for the development of the Gulf of Fonseca.

Electronic publications such as El 19 Digital and El Nuevo Diario newspaper highlighted the results of the agreement signed by the presidents of the three countries, Daniel Ortega, Mauricio Funes and Porfirio Lobo, respectively, who met in the capital of El Slavador. Following discussions of recent years, the leaders took up the initiative of making the Gulf of Fonseca a zone of peace, sustainable development and security.

This area, where more than three million people from the three States converge, has great potential for preserving the ecosystem, for the development of tourism at international competitive scale; for scientific research, and rational and sustainable exploitation of living resources, said the presidents.

Taking into account historical disputes that have even led to the loss of human lives, the dignitaries expressed the "commitment of favoring dialogue and negotiation to solve any conflict and to never use a military solution," reported El 19 Digital.