03 mayo 2012

Fuente: Published by Prensa Latina, via Google News

Bogota, May 3 (PL)- Cross-border crime and new ways of crime in the region are the main issues to be discussed in a meeting of the Union of South American Nations May 3-5 in Cartagena de Indias.

According to the Colombian Foreign Ministry, on this occasion the three-day discussions are aimed at sharing experiences for a joint, coordinated action by 12-member UNASUR in facing cross-border organized crime and new forms of crime affecting the region.

This ministerial meeting, called at the request of Colombia and sponsored by the South American Defense Council and the Council of Foreign Ministers of UNASUR, will take into account again some of the conclusions of the preparatory meeting held in February this year in Bogota.

On that occasion, representatives of the ministries of Defense, Interior, Justice and Foreign Affairs discussed a report drafted by the Center for Strategic Studies on Defense of UNASUR, based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, suggesting steps to strengthen cooperation on the matter.

In the meeting May 3-5 in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia is expected to present a new strategy to fight organized crime in the region.

Colombian Defense Minister Juan Carlos Pinzon described the meeting as very significant for the national and regional security strategy.

It will be opened by President Pro-Tempore of UNASUR, Foreign Minister of Paraguay Jorge Lara, followed by a speech by Secretary-General Maria Emma Mejia.

Other speakers will be Colombian Foreign Minister Maria Angela Holguin, and finally, Pinzon will close the opening session, as host.