11 mayo 2012

Fuente: Published by Prensa Latina, via Google News

Beijing, May 11 (PL)- President Juan Manuel Santos on Friday briefed Chinese business people on the conditions and advantages Colombia offers to foreign investors, after beginning in Shanghai the second stage of his visit to China.

Santos also referred to Colombia's needs in the infrastructure sector, in which the country is determined to make an important qualitative leap forward in its development.

Another area with opportunities was the coal sector, whose exports might increase and be more competitive if the country had the appropriate infrastructure, the Colombian statesman noted.

In the field of communications, Colombia has very ambitious projects such as taking broadband throughout the country to use technology in social development, Santos said.

This China-Colombia business summit marked the beginning of the program of the Colombian delegation in Shanghai, including meetings with local authorities and bilateral contacts among business people.

Santos will conclude this five-day visit to China on Saturday, focusing on boosting bilateral relations, with emphasis on trade and investments. With that purpose, both countries signed nine agreements and memorandums related to technical-economic cooperation, energy, mining, agriculture, protection of cultural assets and quarantine, inspection and quality.

The first stage of Santos' visit to China took place in Beijing, where he held talks with Prime Minister Wen Jiabao, National People´s Congress Chairman Wu Bangguo and Deputy Prime Minister Li Keqiang.

The Colombian president also attended a seminar on management, organized by Proexport, the Chinese Council for Foreign Trade Promotion, and the Chinese Development Bank, among other activities linked to the economic area.