09 agosto 2012

Fuente: Published by Xinhua, China

Beijing, August 9 (Xinhua)- China and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) Troika agreed Thursday to set up a regular foreign ministers' dialogue mechanism and hold the first round of dialogue in September.

The decision was made during talks between Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi and senior Troika diplomats, including Alfredo Moreno Charme, Chilean foreign minister, Nicolas Maduro Moros, Venezuelan foreign minister and Rogelio Sierra Diaz, Cuban vice foreign minister.

They agreed that establishing relations and conducting dialogue and cooperation between China and CELAC Troika were in the interests of both sides and would contribute to the comprehensive relationship between China and Latin America, which features equality, mutual benefit and common development.

Both sides agreed to promote China-CELAC Troika dialogues and exchanges so as to expand the pragmatic cooperation between China and Latin America and establish the China-Latin America cooperation forum.

Also Thursday, Yang held bilateral meetings with his Chilean and Venezuelan counterparts, respectively, on bilateral relations and issues of common concern.

On Thursday afternoon, senior Chinese legislator Jiang Shusheng also met with the Troika delegation at the Great Hall of the People in downtown Beijing.

Jiang, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislative body, hailed the development of China-Latin America relations and fruitful cooperation in many areas.

He said China is ready to conduct dialogues and friendly cooperation with the CELAC based on equal footing, and continue to promote their cooperative partnership through joint efforts.

The Troika diplomats echoed Jiang, saying the CELAC attaches high importance to the friendly relations with China and Latin America will work with China to push forward their bilateral ties to a new high.

The delegation will also discuss the establishment of relations with China, according to the Troika diplomats.

The CELAC, a new leading regional bloc, was formed in December 2011. It was proposed by Latin American leaders in February 2010 in Mexico, more than 60 years after the start of the Organization of American States (OAS).

It consists of 33 sovereign states of Latin America and the Caribbean region. Chile currently holds the rotating chair of the CELAC.