15 agosto 2012

Fuente: Published by Prensa Latina, via Google News

Beijing, August 15 (PL)- President Laura Chinchilla qualified today as extremely fruitful the relations between Costa Rica and China, which aims to incorporate contents beyond trade, field of recognized advance since the beginning of these links, in June 2007.

There have been five extremely helpful years, the Costa Rican president said at a press conference in this country.

She added that at this stage, it is worth highlight the cultural, science and technology exchange, together with the increase of scholarships for Costa Rican students in this nation, with which most progresses have been in commerce and investments.

In the case of exchange of products, she noted it has been favored by the free trade agreement signed on April 2010 and in force since August last year.

We believe this relationship has born very fluid and great things are expected for both countries, she stressed.

When referring to the future bilateral relations, she said that “we want more future benefits in the fields of science, technology, innovation and training in Chinese academic centers”.

The Head of State explained that the first part of this visit, which started last Sunday in Shanghai, was focused in meetings on commerce and investment, what followed a tour to Suzhou industrial park, in Jiangsu province which she praised.

In this activity, businessmen and ministers accompanying her, met with executives from Chinese enterprises, to also promote commerce and investment possibilities in the Central American country.

According to the program, President Chinchilla will hold talks on Thursday with her counterpart Hu Jintao, when she will also attend the ceremony of signing agreements.

On Friday, she will meet with PM, Wen Jiabao, Chinese Parliament leader, Wu Bangguo, and deputy president Xi Jinping.

The final stage of her stay in China will be on Saturday in Xi'An, the capital of Shaanxi province from where she will travel to South Korea, the other stop of her tour.