20 mayo 2013

Fuente: Published by, U.S.

Ottawa, May 20- Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper will attend the Pacific Alliance Leaders' Summit -a group of four Latin American countries that aims to facilitate trade among themselves and boost economic ties with Asia- during a visit to South America May 21-24, his office said last Friday.

Canada secured observer status to the group last October, and the Summit in Cali, Colombia May 22-23 will afford Mr. Harper the first opportunity for a "sounding-out" of what it has to offer and see it in action, according to Andrew MacDougall, Mr. Harper's spokesman.

He said it was too early to discuss whether Canada would want to become a full-fledged member, though he didn't dismiss the notion.

"The first step is to see first hand what's on offer and what's available and what the goals and objectives are, and to make that determination," Mr. MacDougall said at a briefing for reporters. Canadian Trade Minister Ed Fast will join Mr. Harper in Cali.

The Pacific Alliance comprises Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, and Canada already has free-trade agreements with each of them. Last year, bilateral merchandise trade between Canada and the four countries totaled 39 billion Canadian dollars ($38.3 billion).

Canada and three members of the alliance -Chile, Mexico and Peru- are also in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a U.S.-led group negotiating a free-trade bloc spanning the Pacific Ocean.

Mr. Harper will visit Peru first before heading to Cali. He will meet with Peruvian President Ollanta Humala Tasso in Lima May 22.