12 junio 2013

Fuente: Published by Andina, Peru

Washington, June 12 (Andina)- Peru's President Ollanta Humala and United States President Barack Obama resolved to continue working together on a diversified cooperative agenda.

Peru's President, Ollanta Humala, and U.S. President, Barack Obama, in a meeting at the White House.

The two leaders agreed that this agenda will help bolster the U.S.-Peru relationship and ensure it remains strong and relevant to the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

Both Presidents reaffirmed their desire to further deepen cooperation on economic prosperity and social inclusion; education; science and technology; and citizen security.

In addition, Humala and Obama acknowledged the historic relationship between our two nations and reaffirmed their intent to strengthen and deepen it based on shared fundamental values and principles such as democracy, respect for human rights, belief in open markets, and the rule of law.

Both leaders also recognized that the United States and Peru are working to consolidate a strategic partnership for the 21st century that will further enhance security, prosperity and development in the hemisphere.

They also welcomed closer relationships at the state and local level to expand opportunities for mutual cooperation.

Economic prosperity and social inclusion

Underpinning the successful U.S.-Peru economic relationship is the successful implementation of the U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement, which facilitated nearly $16 billion in bilateral trade in 2012 and supported robust job creation in both countries.

The two Presidents noted that in the four years since the Agreement entered into force, the United States and Peru have made it easier for our businesses to trade, further diversified our trading relationship, and continue to work jointly to protect the environment.

They reiterated the importance of maintaining regular dialogue on specific proposals for deepening the trading relationship.

The two Presidents also reviewed Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations, including at the 17th negotiating Round hosted by Peru in May, and reaffirmed their shared commitment to conclude negotiations this year.

Both Presidents discussed the importance of taking advantage of economic prosperity to also reduce poverty and inequality. In this context, the leaders noted the importance of public-private partnerships and expressed their belief in sustainable and inclusive economic growth.

The United States welcomed Peru to the Small Business Network of the Americas, wherein the United States will support the establishment of small business development centers in Peru to provide entrepreneurs and small business owners with training and other job creating services.

The two leaders also highlighted joint efforts to expand internet connectivity to rural areas of Peru, apply science and technology to accelerate development, and provide support to 1,000 small- and medium-sized businesses led by Peruvian women entrepreneurs through the Pathways Access Initiative and ongoing Women’s Entrepreneurship in the Americas Initiative (WEAmericas).

As founding members of the Equal Futures Partnership, Peru and the United States have committed to expand opportunities for women and girls and to promote gender equality across political, economic and social spheres.

The leaders reaffirmed their desire to boost sustainable, inclusive, and balanced growth and job creation; promote productive investment; reform and strengthen the international financial architecture; and enhance multilateral trade.

They reiterated their support for a successful ninth WTO Ministerial Meeting, which will take place in December this year in Bali, Indonesia.

The Presidents also highlighted the importance of the "Pacific Alliance," one of the most innovative regional integration initiatives, and underscored its auspicious prospects for deepening trade liberalization and enhancing cooperation between its members.


The two Presidents highlighted education as an increasingly important strategic priority for both countries, focusing particularly on science, technology, innovation, and competitiveness.

Recognizing the economic advantages for both countries of increasing contact between Americans and Peruvians, the United States and Peru launched an Education Policy Dialogue to further facilitate information-sharing and best practices, and to promote linkages to President Obama’s 100,000 Strong in the Americas initiative, as well as Peruvian scholarship initiatives such as “Beca 18” and “Beca Presidente de la República”.

Both presidents also welcomed joint efforts to provide high-quality English language training and instruction to Peruvian teachers and students.