30 agosto 2013

Fuente: Published by Prensa Latina, via Google News

Georgetown, August 30 (PL)- The relations between Guyana and Venezuela is growing hard and the next Saturday's visit of president Nicolas Maduro is a, example of this, affirmed Guyanese foreign minister Carolyn Rodriguez Birkett.

Quoted by the Guyana's newspaper Chronicle the Foreign Minister highlighted the excellent ties between the deceased Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez and formers Guyanese president Bharrat Jagdeo.

This relation has remained witn Maduro that is why President Donald Ramotar considered important to invite him to our country, he remarked.

In that sense, highlighted the agreements in forced between the two nations, like PETROCARIBE, an initiative created by Chavez that provides fuel at preferential prices to the Caribbean and Central American nations.

He recalled that Georgetown pays hydrocarbon with rice at very favourable prices, which, he said, benefited farmers from both countries in general sense.

The FM explained that another joint project under consideration is the construction here of refrigerated warehouse for export products.

She also cited as an example of cooperation the recent inauguration in this country of the Rehabilitaion and Reintegration Center Hugo Chavez, funded by Caracas.

All these initiatives are intended to benefit farmers and poorest people, that is, they are social projects, she emphasized.

Rodrigues-Birkett stated that Guyana is a member of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States and associate member of the Southern Common Market and as such interact with venezuela in those forums.

During the stay of Maduro in this capital he will hold official talks with President Ramotar and then will meet with representatives of the Guyanese civil society.