25 septiembre 2013

Fuente: Published by Prensa Latina, via Google News

United Nations, September 25 (PL)- The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) develops a full agenda for regional agreement on political, economic and social issues.

In the framework of the 68th period of sessions of the U.N. General Assembly, the 33 member-country bloc will hold at least three meetings here, including two for its national coordinators, who are in charge of supervising the Action Plan and the event program.

A meeting among coordinators of the Extended Troika, an entity comprised of four nations whose foreign ministers will meet on Thursday, has been scheduled for this afternoon, local time.

The Extended Troika is headed by Cuba as president pro tempore, accompanied by Chile (outgoing), Costa Rica (which will assume the presidency in 2014) and Haiti (head of the Caribbean Community).

According to the agenda, CELAC will hold its foreign minister meeting on September 27, where the ministers of the 33 member countries will tackle issues like the 2nd Summit of the bloc, scheduled for early 2014 in Havana.

Issues of national interest, boosting integration mechanisms and rapprochement with other countries and regional groups are also expected to be analyzed at that forum.