24 enero 2014

Fuente: Published by Prensa Latina, via Google News

Beijing, January 24 (PL)- Ecuadorian Vice President Jorge Glas stated that integration initiatives in Latin America such as the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) are the way for the real liberation of our peoples”.

Glas, who is on an official visit in China since Monday, Jan. 20, stated that these organizations, included the UNASUR and the Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA), should establish a political dialogue with many countries, among them the BRICS members.

Interviewed by Prensa Latina, Glas said Ecuador has proposed "to establish those communication channels, this new geopolitical strategy, this political dialogue searching for the common good of development of our peoples”.

The Ecuadorian vice president, guest of Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao, said that during his stay in this Asian nation has "proposed China to talk with Latin America and that forum is undoubtedly the CELAC”.

Talking about the coming CELAC Summit in Havana, Glas said all Latin American counties can establish a geo-political dialogue with China, through that organization, in moments in which the world is not already unipolar, but multipolar.

The CELAC Summit will be held in Havana on Jan. 28-29, a moment in which Cuba, current pro tempore president of the organization, will transfer the presidency pro tempore to Costa Rica.