28 abril 2014

Fuente: Published by Xinhua, China

Brasilia, April 28 (Xinhua).- The relationship between China and Brazil has "extensive significance" due to their position as two primary emerging market countries and economies, visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said here last Friday.

"China and Brazil are the largest developing countries in their own hemisphere. Being an important part of the emerging economic entities, our relationship is beyond the traditional scope of bilateral ties, and has strong strategic meanings and extensive significance," said Wang.

Wang's remark came during his meeting with Brazilian Foreign Minister Luiz Aberto Figueiredo Machado during the first comprehensive strategic dialogue between their foreign ministers.

To prompt the dialogue, China and Brazil should further deepen their strategic mutual trust and cooperation, said Wang, calling on both to support each other in their development, core interests and major concerns.

"The dialogue will strengthen our strategic consciousness and confidence, consolidate and deepen mutual trusts, exploit strategic cooperation at all levels and help us better carry out our strategic roles on regional and global issues," said Wang.

China-Brazil cooperation is conducive to the South-South cooperation, safeguarding legitimate rights of the developing countries and making the international community more balanced and peaceful, said Wang.

"China and Brazil should work together to promote the world multi-polarization process, steer the international political and economic order toward a more fair and rational direction, and boost the overall interests of the developing countries," said the top Chinese diplomat.

"China and Brazil should make joint efforts to send a signal of confidence, unity and cooperation for the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) to the whole world”.

Machado echoed Wang's remarks by describing China's development as an important opportunity for Brazil.

"Strengthening strategic cooperation with China is a key aspect of the Brazilian diplomacy. We stand ready to deepen the overall cooperation with China and continuously enrich the connotation of Brazil-China relations," said the minister.

The two sides agreed to take the opportunity of the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations to maintain high-level exchanges and lift bilateral ties to a new height.

As for the establishment of the forum between China and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean states (CELAC), Wang said it was a decision consistent with the historical trend and would help China and CELAC to explore their cooperative potential, deepen economic and trade cooperation and realize common development.

"China has launched a new round of comprehensive reform in economic, political, cultural, societal, ecological civilization fields, which will not only lay a profound foundation for the 'Chinese dream,' but also provide cooperative opportunities for Latin America and the whole world at large," he said.

Brazil is the last leg of Wang's four-nation visit to Latin America, which has already brought him to Cuba, Venezuela and Argentina.