Official name: ARGENTINE

Date of membership: 17 October 1975

Capital: Buenos Aires (seat of government) 


The system of government adopts the representative, republican and federal system (Constitution, Article 1). The people directly elect their representatives.

Administrative Organization: 23 provinces and 1 autonomous city (Distrito Federal) Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires Capital Federal, Catamarca, Chaco, Chubut, Cordoba, Corrientes, Entre Rios, Formosa, Jujuy, La Pampa, La Rioja, Mendoza, Misiones, Neuquen , Black River, Salta, San Juan, San Luis, Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero, Tierra del Fuego - Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands, Tucumán.

Independence: independence from Spain on 9 July 1816.

Constitution: promulgated on May 1, 1853. Amended in August 1994.

Suffrage: 18 years of age. The vote is universal and compulsory.

Executive branch

It is held by the President of the Nation. Head of State: President Mauricio Macri  (since December 2015); Vice-Presidente Marta Gabriela Michetti (since December 2015).

Legislative branch

It is vested in a Congress composed of two houses: one of Deputies and the other of Senators from the provinces and the City of Buenos Aires.

Chamber of Deputies, Made up by representatives directly elected by the people of the provinces of Buenos Aires, and the Capital in case of transfer, which are considered for this purpose as constituencies of a single state, and a simple plurality of votes.

Senate: Consists of three senators from each province and three by the City of Buenos Aires, elected directly and jointly, two seats to the political party having the greatest number of votes, and the remaining political party that will follow in the number of votes. Each senator has one vote.

Judicial branch

It is exercised by the Supreme Court, and judges and courts of the various agencies and jurisdictions. Jury Trial and the Council of the Magistracy are permanent bodies of the judiciary. It also includes the national courts, Attorney General, Public Prosecutor and the Public Ministry of Defence.

Internet domain: ar

Official Web site:

President’s Office site:

Geography and climate

Location: South of South America, bordering the South Atlantic Ocean, between Chile and Uruguay.

Area: 3,761,274 km², of which 2,791,810 km² are located in the Americas, and 969,464 km² in the Antarctic continent (including South Orkney Islands) and the Austral Islands (South Georgia and Sandwich del Sur). It is the fourth largest country in the Americas (after Canada, the United States of America and the Federative Republic of Brazil) and the seventh largest country in the world.

Land boundaries: 9,665 km.

Border countries:

North: Republics of Bolivia and Paraguay, with its northernmost point at the confluence of the Grande de San Juan and Mojinete, province of Jujuy (Lat. 21° 46' S, Long. 66° 13' W).

South: Republic of Chile and the Atlantic Ocean, being its southernmost point Cabo San Pio, located on the island of Tierra del Fuego, (Lat. 55° 03' S, Long. 66° 31' W).

East: Federative Republic of Brazil, Eastern Republic of Uruguay and the Atlantic Ocean. Its easternmost point is located northeast of the town of Bernardo de Irigoyen, Misiones Province (Lat. 26 ° 15'S, Long. 53 ° 38'W).

West: Republic of Chile. Its westernmost point is located between Cerro Agassis and Cerro Bolados (Cordon Mariano Moreno ) in Los Glaciares National Park, Santa Cruz Province (Lat. 49° 33' S, Long. 73° 34' W).

Coastline: 4,989 km

Climate: Its climate ranges from warm and temperate to arid and cold. Such variety is due to the extension of its territory and its geographical features.

Economic indicators 

Total at current prices   631.142 Millions USD 2017
Per capita at current prices 14 305 USD 2017
Growth rate per capita at constant prices 1.9 % 2017
Country share in regional GDP 11.7 % 2017
Imports of goods and services (% of GDP at current prices) -13.8 % 2017
Exports of goods and services (% of GDP at current prices) 11.2 % 2017

Source: Argentina: National Economic ProfileCEPALSTAT. Databases and Statistical Publications. ECLAC. On line. Inquiry: July 9, 2019.

Socio-demographic indicators 

Total population    44.916 000 2019
Life expectancy 77 Years 2015-2020
Women 81 Years 2015-2020
Men 73 Years 2015-2020
Public health expenditure as a percentage of GDP  6.8 % 2015
Literacy rate for persons between the ages of 15 to 24 99.5 % 2016
Net rate of enrolment in primary education 99.0 % 2015
Net rate of enrolment in secondary education 89.5 % 2015
Public expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP 5.6 % 2016
Gini Coefficient ND ND  ND
Unemployment  8.4 % 2017

Source: Argentina: National Socio-Demographic Profile.CEPALSTAT. Data Bases and Statistical Publications. ECLAC. On line. Inquiry: July 9, 2019.

Language: Spanish