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CELAC Declares Latin America and the Caribbean a Peace Zone

Havana, January 30 (PL)- Latin American and the Caribbean was declared a Peace Zone region at CELAC Second Summit in Havana.

Cuban president Raúl Castro read the declaration that ratifies CELAC countries' commitment to comply with the goal and principles stated by the UN Charter and the international law.

He highlights the region's prosperity and stability contribution to international peace and security.

"We are aware peace is a greater good and a rightful wish for all nations and its preservation is fundamental in the integration of Latina Latin America and the Caribbean; and a CELAC common principle and value" the document reads.

The text also highlights the relevance of the Tlatelolco Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean, establishing the world's first nuclear weapon free zone in a highly populated area, representing a contribution to regional and international peace and security.

The document reiterates the need for a general and complete nuclear disarmament and the commitment with the Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean strategic agenda, adopted by CELAC members.

He recalled UNASUR heads of state's decision to strengthen South America as a Cooperation and Peace Zone.

The declaration reaffirms "our commitment that Latina America and the Caribbean consolidates as a peace zone, where differences among nations are solve peacefully, through dialog and negotiation, according to the international law".

The Cuban president said the peace zone will include the international organizations member states belong to.

The document adds the permanent commitment to find peaceful solutions to conflicts, in order to ban the threat or use of force in the region, as well as the obligation not to intervene, directly or indirectly, in other states' internal affairs.

It also calls to observe the principles of national sovereignty, equal rights and peoples' self-determination.

The text insists on the need to foster friendship and cooperation relations, regardless of political, economical or social systems or level of development.

The text commits and urges 33 State members to act according to the signed declaration in their international conduct and relations between the members.

CELAC Declares Latin America and the Caribbean a Peace Zone

Havana, January 30 (PL)- Latin American and the Caribbean was declared a Peace Zone region at CELAC Second Summit in Havana.

Cuban president Raúl Castro read the declaration that ratifies CELAC countries' commitment to comply with the goal and principles stated by the UN Charter and the international law.

He highlights the region's prosperity and stability contribution to international peace and security.

"We are aware peace is a greater good and a rightful wish for all nations and its preservation is fundamental in the integration of Latina Latin America and the Caribbean; and a CELAC common principle and value" the document reads.

The text also highlights the relevance of the Tlatelolco Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean, establishing the world's first nuclear weapon free zone in a highly populated area, representing a contribution to regional and international peace and security.

The document reiterates the need for a general and complete nuclear disarmament and the commitment with the Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean strategic agenda, adopted by CELAC members.

He recalled UNASUR heads of state's decision to strengthen South America as a Cooperation and Peace Zone.

The declaration reaffirms "our commitment that Latina America and the Caribbean consolidates as a peace zone, where differences among nations are solve peacefully, through dialog and negotiation, according to the international law".

The Cuban president said the peace zone will include the international organizations member states belong to.

The document adds the permanent commitment to find peaceful solutions to conflicts, in order to ban the threat or use of force in the region, as well as the obligation not to intervene, directly or indirectly, in other states' internal affairs.

It also calls to observe the principles of national sovereignty, equal rights and peoples' self-determination.

The text insists on the need to foster friendship and cooperation relations, regardless of political, economical or social systems or level of development.

The text commits and urges 33 State members to act according to the signed declaration in their international conduct and relations between the members.