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Russia and CELAC Strengthen Ties

Moscow, May 30 (PL)- Russia and the Community of Latin American and the Caribbean States (CELAC) agreed yesterday to establish a mechanism for holding political talks with their foreign ministers, setting relations of mutual benefits in general fields.

The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Serguei Lavrov, stated that the meetings for that purpose will be held in several international forums and bilateral visits.

He stated that the results of this first meeting with foreign ministers of CELAC´s troika (Cuba, Costa Rica, Chile and Haiti) were recorded in a joint communique, which summarizes "our views towards a wide spectrum of subjects".

Within the main issues discussed by the foreign ministers were the common fight against terrorism, drug trafficking, human trade, money laundering and other forms of world organized crime, among other urgent challenges and commitments.

They all are for the immediate end of the commercial, economical and financial blockade of United States on Cuba, which was rejected by most of United Nations´ country members, according to the joint statement.

He also claimed for a higher efficiency of UN special mission in Haiti to achieve stability, recovering and sustainable development in that country from the Caribbean.

Russia and CELAC troika supported the increase of economic cooperation and the strengthening of educational, academic and cultural ties, as a symbol of the friendship and common interests of the peoples and the governments.

Russia and CELAC Strengthen Ties

Moscow, May 30 (PL)- Russia and the Community of Latin American and the Caribbean States (CELAC) agreed yesterday to establish a mechanism for holding political talks with their foreign ministers, setting relations of mutual benefits in general fields.

The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Serguei Lavrov, stated that the meetings for that purpose will be held in several international forums and bilateral visits.

He stated that the results of this first meeting with foreign ministers of CELAC´s troika (Cuba, Costa Rica, Chile and Haiti) were recorded in a joint communique, which summarizes "our views towards a wide spectrum of subjects".

Within the main issues discussed by the foreign ministers were the common fight against terrorism, drug trafficking, human trade, money laundering and other forms of world organized crime, among other urgent challenges and commitments.

They all are for the immediate end of the commercial, economical and financial blockade of United States on Cuba, which was rejected by most of United Nations´ country members, according to the joint statement.

He also claimed for a higher efficiency of UN special mission in Haiti to achieve stability, recovering and sustainable development in that country from the Caribbean.

Russia and CELAC troika supported the increase of economic cooperation and the strengthening of educational, academic and cultural ties, as a symbol of the friendship and common interests of the peoples and the governments.