Santiago, Chile. November  28 to 29, 2016


The Permanent Secretariat of SELA will present a document on “Disaster risk reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean: A guide for strengthening public-private partnerships” (SP/VRRASPPRRD-ALC/DT N° 2-16), which will serve as a basis for discussions.

Each speaker may present documents, which will be distributed among participants and then uploaded to the Web site of the event. Participants may also submit additional written contributions for the discussions at the meeting.

The Permanent Secretariat will prepare a final report on the meeting and compile all written contributions of speakers and participants, which will be published on SELA’s Web page.


  1. Conclusions  
    Ana Lucía Hill, Consultora del SELA. 
  2. Presentation of the study “Disaster risk reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean: A guide for strengthening public-private partnerships”, by Ana Lucía Hill, SELA’s Consultant. Powerpoint Presentation 
  3. Ricardo Toro Tassara, National Director of the National Emergency Office (ONEMI) of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Chile.
  4. “The role of public-private partnerships within the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.” Humberto Jaime, Communication Manager and Private Sector Liaison Officer of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR).
  5. “European experiences in the construction of public-private partnerships for disaster risk reduction and the major risk management initiatives developed in Latin America and the Caribbean.” Jocelyn Lance, Resilience and Rapid Response Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean, European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO)
  6. María Elena Ramírez, Director of Regulations and Consultation, Secretariat of Governance of Mexico (SEGOB).
  7. Rodrigo Benítez, Coordinator of the General Secretariat of the Secretariat for National Emergencies of Paraguay.
  8. Francisco Tula, Director of Public Investment of the Ministry of National Planning (MIDEPLAN) of Costa Rica.
  9. Dean Torres, Ministerial Adviser of the Ministry of Education of Ecuador.
  10. Lina María Ibatá Molina, Environmental Engineer, Sub-Division of Environmental Sustainable Development of the National Planning Department of Colombia.
  11. Amalia Llontop, President of the Business Continuity Commission of the Peruvian Bank Association, on behalf of Grupo Empresarial de Atención de Desastres (GEAD) of Peru
  12. Juan Luis Quer, General Manager, Crisis Management and Resilience Service for Organizations (SeCRO), Chile
  13. Claudio López, Manager of Network Management of Telefónica of Chile
  14. José Inocente Moreno Cámbara, Deputy Minister for Design and Verification of Educational Quality, Ministry of Education of Guatemala.
  15. Zoraima Cuello, Vice-Minister of the Presidency of Dominican Republic.
  16. Víctor Orellana, National Sub-Director of the National Emergency Office (ONEMI) of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Chile.
  17. Alexis Fletcher, Representative of the Panamanian Chamber of Construction (CAPAC)
  18. Olga Lucía Sarría, Executive Director of Proceso Apell Barranquilla - ANDI – of Colombia
  19. Gisel Parra, Manager of Social Risks and Contingencies of Cementos Mexicanos (CEMEX)
  20. Ferney Augusto Rojas Ramírez, Coordinator of Restoration and Conservation of Ecosystems. Hojas Verdes Programme, Environmental Business Corporation, Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá
  21. Diana Marcela Gil (Colombian Security Council) and Angela Gómez (ANDI), Representantives of the Partnership with the Private Sector (ARISE), of UNISDR.
  22. Américo Herrera (INTEGRARSE) and Marianela Guzmán (CEPREDENAC), Presentation by the Regional Alliance for the Promotion of Public-Private Partnerships in Central America among CEPREDENAC, INTEGRARSE and UNISDR.
  23. Félix Aliaga, President of REDULAC of Chile.
  24. Ana Lucía Hill, SELA’s Consultant.
  25. Private public partnership: a Caribbean perspective. Ms. Arlini Timal Training & Education Specialist The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management Trinidad & Tobago.